The structure of services included in this contract is as follows (Batch 1 y Batch 2):
Service management for regulated parking and loading and unloading control:
Implementation, operation, management, control and maintenance of the regulated parking service, including the real-time equipment monitoring and control management platform and installation of state-of-the-art parking meters.
Service Management of road signaling:
Management, control and maintenance of all fixed and special signaling installations, vertical and horizontal, as well as all the installations of street identification sign of the municipal district of Madrid.

Big project figures
The partners are Dornier, API, Vinci, Setex and Electronic Trafic. ETRA’s has a 10.22%. stake in the joint venture.
Relevant facts:

  • Number of parking spaces to regulate: Batch 1: 43.157 and Batch 2: 40.164
  • Parking meters renovation.
  • Technological renewal of the service, including surveillance with automatic license plate reading of the vehicles.
  • Mobile payment.
  • Contract managed by indicators
  • Integration into a single platform.


This current comprehensive management mobility contract in the city of Madrid includes:

  1. Vehicle mobility.
  2. Cyclcist mobility.
  3. Pedestrian mobility.

The contract is divided into five lots. Lots 1 to 4 embrace the services related to the vehicles mobility and each lot corresponds to each of the four areas territorially divided in the city of Madrid and which can be seen in annex 1 of the present sheet. Lot 5 includes services related to pedestrian and cycle mobility, which are provided in a global manner throughout the municipality territory.
The mobility of vehicles involves both the vehicles regulation and movement control in the city as well as, the parking. This is based on the execution of the following services:
The regulated parking service, aimed for the implementation, operation, management, control, and maintenance of the regulated parking service on the public roads of the city of Madrid.
The access control service to restricted areas and roads aimed to manage, control and maintain the access control system to priority residential areas; streets, squares and other pedestrian spaces and restricted traffic routes.
The road signaling service, aimed at the management, control and maintenance of all fixed and special signaling installations, vertical and horizontal, as well as all the street identification signs installations in the municipal district of Madrid.
Bicycle and pedestrian mobility covers both the movement of citizens through an alternative means of transport to the vehicle as the control and regulation of mobility on foot.
This content is based on the implementation of the following services:
The public bicycle service, aimed at the implementation, operation, management, control, and maintenance of the public bicycle rental service in the city of Madrid.
The fencing service, aimed for the management, control, and maintenance of the fencing service in the city of Madrid.